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A Denver Birth Injury Attorney Can Help You File a Claim

Birthing a baby is a joyful experience. Birth complications and medical errors during labor can result in serious birth injuries. These injuries can have long-lasting consequences and a significant financial burden for families.

A Denver birth injury lawyer can assist parents to recover compensation for their child's lifetime care needs. A claim can be made at any time prior to the child's 8th birthday.

Causes of Birth Injury

Medical malpractice occurs when a physician or health care professional stray from accepted medical standards and can result in death or injury. Medical negligence during childbirth, which may result in astronomical medical expenses and attorney birth injury Pennsylvania loss of income, as well as the inability to meet the basic needs of your child is among the most avoidable birth injuries. A skilled Denver birth injury lawyer such as Laura Brown can help you fight for your child's right to compensation.

Anoxia is among the most common birth injuries. This type of birth injury could cause irreparable brain damage that can affect the child's mental, physical and emotional functioning. It can also cause developmental delays and impulsive behavior as well as learning disabilities.

Another type of birth injury involves nerve damage. This includes injuries to nerves in the brachialplexus that run from the spine to the shoulder, arm and neck. These injuries can result in an impairment in the fingers, hands, and arms. They can also result in the condition known as Erb's palsy. These injuries are usually caused by a problem during the birth process, which is known as shoulder dystocia. where the baby becomes stuck in the birth canal and forces are applied in order to get the baby out. This can be caused by a doctor, nurse or midwife who is not handling the situation and causing injuries to the brachialplexus.

Other injuries include a lack blood flow to the foetus inadequate oxygenation during labor and birth, improper intubation, airway obstructions, high bilirubin levels and stress in the fetus. Fetal distress can be detected by a quick test called the Apgar score. The test evaluates a newborn's skin color, breathing, muscle tone and heart rate after birth injury attorney in nyc.

Some birth injuries need immediate medical attention while others may not be detected for months or even years after the baby's birth. The injuries like subgaleal hemorrhages or skull fractures are obvious, however many other birth injuries go undiagnosed. Brain imaging can reveal conditions such as cerebral palsy or hypoxic-ischemic cerephalopathy.

Medical Malpractice

Medical negligence or malpractice is the cause of many birth injuries. These lawsuits assert that the doctor, nurse or midwife or any other healthcare provider violated their duty to look after the mother and child by their actions or failure to act.

A lawyer can help parents in building a strong case by analyzing the medical records of a patient and retaining expert witnesses. Medical professionals can provide evidence to show how a healthcare provider's actions or inactions harmed the patient.

In most cases, these medical experts will testify that the doctor's or healthcare provider's actions were below the standards of care that are required in their specialty. They can also provide their opinions on the injuries that medical professionals should have been able to avoid. The lawyer will make use of this information to negotiate an agreement with the doctor or hospital.

In many instances doctors or hospitals will offer a settlement prior the trial. They want to avoid negative publicity and may be willing to settle to ensure their reputations. If the hospitals or doctors refuse to settle, a lawyer may bring a medical malpractice lawsuit in the court.

If a lawsuit is filed, the parents are plaintiffs, and nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals are defendants. Lawyers will begin the discovery process. This involves sharing all the evidence that can support the case. They will also make depositions or sworn statements.

The lawyers will argue that the defendants committed a crime in not adhering to the standards of care that they must adhere to in their work and that their negligence resulted in the child's injury. They will demand compensation for injuries-related expenses like medical bills as well as lost wages and other expenses. A jury or judge may award additional damages, such as non-economic losses, like suffering and pain. In certain cases, juries and judges can also award punitive damages which is meant to punish defendants for their extreme negligence or inattention.

An experienced Denver birth injury lawyer can assist parents to understand their rights and fight for fair compensation to cover medical expenses, therapy expenses and other injury-related expenses. They can help families assess their full losses and file a lawsuit against negligent healthcare providers.

Statute of limitations

If a medical professional fails to provide a baby or mother with the standard of medical care during labor, and delivery, and the injuries lead to life-altering consequences victims can bring an action. A birth injury lawyer can assist families build a strong claim to recover the cost of medical bills and lost wages (if a parent must take time off to care for the child) and much more.

A birth injury lawyer is essential to contact as soon as you can after a medical error is suspected during the delivery process. The law of the state stipulates deadlines that victims must comply with. A skilled lawyer can assist clients in understanding the timeframe to make a claim, and also successfully argue for extensions, if necessary.

A lawyer can start building a strong case for damages once they have taken on the case. They will collect the evidence needed. This can include the mother's and child's medical records and the testimony of expert witnesses. These experts can explain the standards of care that apply in this particular scenario, and demonstrate how the medical provider's actions differed from the norm.

The lawyer can also seek compensatory damages, depending on the extent of the injury. These damages could include economic and non-economic damages, including pain and suffering, emotional distress, disability and loss of enjoyment of the life. In certain cases the lawyer may demand punitive damages to penalize the defendant and act as a deterrent for others.

Birth injury victims often have multiple claims, including against nurses, doctors, and midwives. A birth injury law firm can conduct an investigation to determine who is accountable for the malpractice and who should face liability. The victim and his family can then be compensated up to the maximum amount. The total amount awarded in a successful medical malpractice lawsuit is governed only by the state laws, but they can be inclusive of all financial and personal losses that result due to the injury.


Birth injuries can range from minor traumas like broken bones to more serious injuries that affect the child's health over the long term. Some of the most severe medical birth injuries include cerebral palsy as well as hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). When an infant is deficient in oxygen their brain and other vital tissues are unable to receive the nutrients needed to function effectively. The lack of oxygen can be caused by a range of factors during labor and birth. These include a long or complex pregnancy, and the use of a vacuum during a difficult birth.

A Denver birth injury lawyer in Denver can help victims and their families to file a lawsuit against accountable parties for the damages caused by the accident, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and suffering and pain. A claim can also be used to pay for the cost of specialized equipment and therapy programs that may be required for the care of the child.

Employing a local attorney birth injury to deal with birth injuries is crucial because it can save you time travelling to and from court dates and other legal procedures. A local law firm is also more familiar with the medical experts and hospitals that were involved in your child's birth. They are more likely to be aware of any previous issues, malpractice or negligence.

Medical malpractice cases are complicated and expensive insurance companies frequently attempt to minimize liability by blaming the victims for injuries. A birth injury lawyer who has expertise in investigating cases can identify the circumstances, who was responsible, and the value of the injury.

A lawyer will also be competent in the preparation of the case. This is a lengthy process that requires the testimony of doctors and other professionals. A lawyer will also make sure that the statutes of limitations are met and that all medical records are gathered prior to filing a lawsuit.

The sooner you contact the Denver birth injury lawyer the sooner you can contact a Denver birth injury attorney. The lawyer can begin to work on investigating your claim and gathering the evidence to build a strong claim for compensation. Medical documents and expert witness statements and other evidence are crucial to prove that your child's injuries were the result of an medical professional's negligent actions. Contact an experienced Colorado birth injury lawyer today to determine how much your case is worth.